We are a team of highly qualified , optimistic , positive professionals who collectively have more than 50+ years worth of experience in managing and delivering quality services in accounting and payroll outsourcing.


Accounts and Payroll outsourcing services industry requires technology driven solutions to take the clients further in this cost-pressured environment .

our services and technologies combine industry expertise with the solid foundations of shared from technology for a wide range of business models We at accroll are committed to provide accurate , timely and data driven reports to our clients for meaningfull decision making .

The new normal of timely information will not be driven by age-old traditional technologies associated with accounting & payroll solutions . We see a need for distinctive competative advantage which requires adoption of new cloud-based technological solutions .

we have partnered with XERO ᵗᵐ for accounts outsourcing, a cloud-based accounting software subscribed by ove 3 million business users worldwide .

we have also partnered with GREYTHR ᵗᵐ for payroll outsourcing , a cloud-based payroll solutions subscribed by more than 20,000 companies & 20 lakhs employees in more than 250 cities in india


Karthick Sharma Veluri
Data Analyst
Malapaka Surya Teja
Accounts Advisor
Gowthami Batta
Accounts Manager
RajaRapu Thirupathamma
Relationship Manager
Prashanth Chary
Payroll Advisor
Chaitanya Agam
Marketing Head

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